Thursday, May 6, 2010

Our best day yet

Yesterday, David and I enjoyed what might have been our happiest day yet. He was in the best of moods, with barely a crying jag. He grinned and smiled and chuckled all day long, even in his sleep. He was content to sit in his swing or punkin seat and just watch me go about my business: planting flowers, cleaning house, you name it. What a great day... it tempted me to re-create the same meal plan daily for the foreseeable future. I always blame his fussiness and/or gasiness on what I have eaten, so I might as well blame his good moods on my diet as well. Maybe it was that Drumstick I had as an afternoon snack (instead of my usual light yogurt). He even laughed while he watched me eat it. Mmmm, good.

Perhaps it was his stellar mood, but we also discovered a new vista from which David likes to view the living room. You know the spot on our couch where I have sat a bit too often, which now sags and sucks you in as if it were made of quicksand? Well, it functions wonderfully as a baby seat (supervised, of course). He fits perfectly between the cushions, and the crease in the backrest helps hold him and his top-heavy head upright. I discovered this by accident after sitting him down there so I could tidy up the room. He just sat there wide-eyed, looking about as if to say, "this is the life". Later, when I put him there again, he promptly fell asleep. Once the couch began its customary sucking-in of its tenant (it doesn't discriminate against babies apparently), I moved him to his swing for a long snooze.

And speaking of swings, I picked up a travel variety at Target the other day to test for use at Grandma's house and weekend getaways. In a mere few days, this little gem has become a life-saver around here! He swings in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the garage, on the patio. Although it does not mesmerize him like the big swing that Lisa loaned me (no fancy mobile or music or side-to-side motion on the new one), it still does the job. It just gives him enough motion to keep him calm. He's a little too high maintenance for the bouncy seat, but this swing sure does the trick. Good thing it's portable!

I'm off to put some new photos on Picasa. Happy Thursday!

1 comment:

Grammy Pattpatt said...

One side of my 2 seater recliner has exactly the same problem.....but it "fits" so nicely! Smile! David's Grammy Pattpatt

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