Saturday, December 18, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

We've all been busy lately, hence the lack of recent posts.  I've been busy getting ready for Christmas, making cards and what-not.  Cory's been busy getting everybody else ready for Christmas, hanging lights despite the dumpings of snow and the bitter, bitter cold.  And David's been busy crawling around the house, getting into everything, learning to chew Cheerios (with his one tooth), and doing this:

What is up with that goofy face?  He started doing it spontaneously about a week ago, and as is customary for most of his newly developed skills he just won't stop.  Of course, he's not being encouraged to continue by anyone.  Ahem.  Guess I'd better start practicing the phrase, "don't make that face or it might freeze that way".  Funny!

1 comment:

Patt said...

What a funny pair! Don't you love the tiny things of life??? Love, Grammy Pattpatt

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