Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

I managed to procrastinate David's costume search until the last minute.  So, under duress, the three of us headed out this past Saturday night to find something - anything! - for him to wear for the holiday.  It wasn't until we were standing in a Halloween store gazing at $60 (eek!) baby costumes that we looked at each other and wondered out loud, what exactly are we doing this for?  We're not really costume party-goers, never have been.  And our neighborhood usually only attracts a handful of trick-or-treaters.  Nonetheless, we gladly shelled out 20 bucks for an adorable scarecrow costume.  And all this just to dress him up for a half hour or so, merely for our own amusement. 

Worth.  Every.  Penny.

As David "enjoyed" his costume, I carved a pumpkin.  The old me (the one with boundless energy and lots and lots of free time that still lives inside me somewhere) planned on carving three, but the new me was pretty happy with just the one. 

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

Patt said...

I love the last one.....caption GET THIS HAT OFF ME!! Smile!

Happy First Halloween, David, love you bunches, Grammy Pattpatt

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