Tuesday, March 9, 2010


This is what happens when you go on maternity leave a little too early. Since everything is cleaned, washed, stocked, put together, maintained, dusted, painted, organized and otherwise ready for the storm (also known as "the baby"), you have to be creative to fill the hours as you wait for something, anything, to happen. {sigh}.

A few days ago, we decided we needed a few more hats for little David. No naked baby heads allowed around here. What we were finding at the stores were kind of boring and pretty much exclusively blue. I wanted something a little bit different, so I hit etsy.com (one of my favorite sights for crafty inspiration) yesterday and searched "newborn handmade hats". Whoa.
I dare you to look at these pictures without saying "awwwwwww"....

How will I ever decide? Labor, please save me from this frivolity!

1 comment:

Grammy Pattpatt said...

I personally like the one with 2 big purple fuzzy balls.....but of course, David Charles Owens is SO MUCH CUTER than any of these babies!

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